Category Archives: spirituality

How Rock n Roll turned me into a meditation freak

It’s not hard to figure out that the music business is crazy sometimes. That’s why as a rocker, I have turned to meditation, prayer and spirituality on a regular basis. In fact, it has taken over my music entirely. I am not going to lie, when I first started meditating I found it boring and tedious. I would sit for a minute and wonder if 10 minutes had already passed by. Many times I had no idea how to do it so I would just space out or ‘think’. But, thinking is not the idea here I’m told. One is to get to a flowing feeling of bliss and release thought…..hmmmmm. We are supposed to get beyond our thoughts and focus on our breath. Uhhhhh. Hmmmmm. I had no idea that focusing on my breath was beneficial.. or was it some weird practice that replaced drinking a bottle of wine? Both could be relaxing but one makes me sick. Hahahhaha

Then came the phase where I wanted to meet with peeps on the other side. Yeah! I wanted to have conversations and know what it’s like to slip past this life. Was it fun? Was it freeing? I’ve heard it was totally blissful and you can still keep in touch with friends on this side. Hmmm Well, all of my reasons for meditation have now birthed into the simple desire to have peace and focus in my life. I’ve also developed compassion now to some degree. So, when someone freaks out and yells at me, I think about what they could be feeling and experiencing to lash out like that. We never know what somebody else is going through.

There are numerous meditation gurus and programs available now. Mindfulness is the new opiate of choice. Yes, mindfulness goes along with meditation. Really it’s about slowing down and breathing in all that we do..not just meditation. I think millennials are getting it right when they want to preserve brain cells and make better choices than previous generations. I’m grateful that spirituality has infiltrated my music. In the past, I had one too many bass players kick me out of the band for being too spiritual. Now I’m proud of it. And go ahead and call me a meditation freak! I am mindful now!


New EP available now!

Freedom As The Mystic is available now! I’m so excited about it! Yay! This EP has really been a healing and mystical journey for me. I went on Rev. Michael Beckwith’s meditation retreat in May as it was just coming out and I felt refreshed. Things are not always smooth sailing. In fact, putting this EP out was chaotic and at times stressful. So, I took my own advice from the cd and started chanting OM!
It helps! The retreat helped a lot too especially my mom was having some health challenges. Please keep her in your prayers! I am grateful that you stopped by. Enjoy the EP!

Freedom As The Mystic………coming soon

My new EP is coming along great! This new meditation project has pushed me to grow in many beautiful ways. And……..all of the challenges we have had show me that perseverance is key! I cannot wait to share it with you all! To all of the angel helpers that have come forward, I am GRATEFUL! Thank you thank you thank you.

Abraham Hicks -Love their message!!!

I have been listening to a lot of Abraham Hicks lately. Their message is empowering and seems to set the listener free. They talk mostly about aligning with the vortex which is all of the things that you desire. They talk about the law of attraction which in essence says that if you are aligned with the universe/higher self and you are a vibrational match to what it is that you desire, you should attract the right conditions to manifest it. Really, whatever you are focusing on, or paying attention to on a consistent basis should be drawn to you. They are even saying that the new president is a good thing. Certainly the new government cannot control your own personal reality. You create that yourself with your thoughts, feelings and actions. It’s a big thing to accept and to understand but mostly it’s an incredible concept to master. And sometimes, what shows up is a slightly different version than what you had in mind. I’m making myself available to this teaching!!! What about you? Please share your comments with thoughts with me!